Faith in Action(1): Lessons from Abraham
Text - Genesis 12-17
Discover principles of faith through examples that simplify how you can apply biblical teachings to receive answers to your prayers.
The Story of Abraham: More than a Cliché
This is not how Abraham's journey is often told, but let's delve deeper into how his story can transform our understanding of faith. It did upend my theology a little bit. As I mentioned in my introduction page, there are a number of faith principles in the bible I have unlearned and relearned. This is one of the many principles.
1. Promise Decreed
At age 75, God promised Abram, "I will make you a great nation." Fast forward to age 99, God revisited him and changed his name to Abraham. God did something there! This wasn't just a name change; it was a strategic shift. It was a shift that Abraham needed. Let me explain how.
2. Abraham's Doubt
Imagine Abraham's reaction—he fell to the floor laughing, skeptically questioning, “God, how can this be? Don’t you know my circumstances?” At this point, Abraham was still caught in doubt, seeing only the “deadness” of his situation. That was simply why he laughed and Sarah his wife joined in on it too.
3. Significance of the Name Change
Once his name became Abraham, meaning “Father of many nations,” everything changed. He began calling himself by the promise. Everyone who called him, were prophesying over him confirming he was the “Father of many nations”. By speaking and believing the promise, he brought it into existence. Within three months, Sarah conceived as God had declared. Within the year as God had declared, it came to pass, Isaac, the promise was born.
4. Faith Activated
Let’s trace the timeline. A promise was made over 20 years earlier, but it remained dormant until Abraham activated his faith. His daily declarations, embodying the promise, turned faith into reality.
5. Lessons for Today
What promise have you found in the Bible that speaks to your situation? Here’s your guide to activating faith:
Find God’s Promise: Discover a scripture that speaks to your need.
Appropriate and Believe: Anchor the promise in your heart.
Walk and Speak It: Declare and live as though it's already manifest, despite contradictions.
The word will manifest in the process of time when deeply rooted in your heart and mind. 🌱
Call to Action
📖 What promise are you holding onto today? How do you want to appropriate it?
Your Words = Your Results
The Power of Words in Faith: Aligning Your Words with your Confession
In our lessons of faith, understanding the relationship between our words and the faith we release is crucial. Let’s revisit our foundational scripture, Mark 11:23:
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says."
Notice how 'says' is emphasized three times. This repetition highlights the significance of spoken words in the manifestation of faith.
The Influence of Our Words
Proverbs 6:2 and Matthew 12:37 remind us:
"We are trapped by what we say and ensnared by the words of our mouth."
"By our words we are acquitted, and by our words we are condemned."
Proverbs 18:21 further asserts:
"Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit."
Given that we reap what our words produce, it is wise to be mindful of what we speak.
A Story to Reflect On
Consider the true story of a pastor who, after suffering a heart attack, was advised to rest. He continued to be active in the ministry and His wife, anxious about his health, frequently told him, "You're going to die; you'll never make it." Sadly, he passed away two years later. This tragic story illustrates how harmful words can impact reality.
Speaking the Right Words
We are all products of WORDS. What we declare daily influences whether we experience victory or defeat. It is important to differentiate between stating facts and making a confession of faith. For instance, when in a job interview, you may need to relay that you need a job, yet your personal confession remains, "I have a job."
When we speak we get the results, but what results are you getting? What fruits are you seeing?
Align Your Confession with Faith
Consider Philippians 4:19:
"My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Once you’ve made your request known to God, maintain your confession of faith until it materializes. After declaring your needs are met, avoid contradicting yourself with statements like, "I have no money to pay my rent," as this undermines your faith.
Words as Vessels of Faith
Faith is released through words. Ask yourself:
Do your words align with your confession of faith?
Are you speaking in a way that supports or contradicts your beliefs?
Always ensure that what you say reinforces your faith, guiding you closer to seeing God's promises fulfilled in your life. Remember, the power of transformation lies in your tongue, so choose your words wisely and faithfully.
Hold Fast - Unwavering Belief
Welcome back to our exploration of faith! Today, we're diving into one of the most essential aspects of faith—holding fast to your confession until it becomes a reality. Let's revisit our anchor scripture to guide us:
Mark 11:23-24
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
The Power of Holding Fast
Hebrews 10:23 encourages us:
"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised."
To "hold fast" means to remain steadfast and secure, clinging tightly to your beliefs and principles. It's about staying true to your faith, regardless of the circumstances. This means staying the course no matter the opposition.
Lessons We've Covered So Far (See previous posts if missed):
Do You Have Faith?
Yes, you have a measure of faith as Jesus mentioned in Mark 11:23-24.
How to Grow Your Faith:
As your faith grows, your resolve strengthens, making it easier to be unshaken.
Principles of Faith (Parts 1 & 2):
Learn to ask scripturally and walk in faith.
How to Overcome Doubt:
Equip yourself with strategies to fend off doubt and secure your answers to prayers.
Today's Focus: Holding Fast to Your Confession of Faith
"...but believes that those things he says will be done..."
The challenge lies in maintaining your confession—something I've personally wrestled with. Let me illustrate this with a personal story.
My Experience with Healing
I recently faced a challenge when I wasn't feeling well due to a headache. While I would see a doctor for more serious ailments to properly understand the circumstance (see principles of faith 1), I knew this didn't require a diagnosis. Holding onto God's promise, I claimed His word: "By His stripes, I am healed."
Throughout the day, I continually affirmed my healing, despite growing symptoms. Every time the headache returned, I spoke against it, reminding myself of God’s promise. Even when tempted to take a pain reliever, I resisted, choosing to believe in my healing over the symptoms.
Eventually, I forgot about the headache entirely—it had disappeared. I resisted the devil (James 4:7 - Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee) I like to add my twist to that which is that he must flee. I have heard some folks say that it might be God who put that headache on you to get you to pray. In a Christian journal, it was stated that God can also be the author of sickness. Jesus went about healing those that were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). God cannot contradict Himself. i.e. he cannot cause sickness then heal. That will be contractidoty to His goodness. Please never believe that lie because God is a good Father.
We simply resist the devil by holding fast to our profession/confession of faith. Which is our resolute believe in His promise stated in His word.
This principle applies beyond health, extending to every facet of life where God's promises are concerned.
The Call to Persist
Paul encourages us to hold fast to our confession of faith. By consistently affirming God's promises, and it will manifest physically in our lives. That will in the sentence is a surety, a guarantee.
So, whether you face minor challenges or major ones, remember the principle remains unchanged: Hold fast, don’t let go. The promise will come through, because "He is faithful that promised."
Stay tuned as we continue to explore ways to strengthen your faith and see God's promises fulfilled in your life. Let's journey together in steadfast belief!
How to overcome Doubt
Practical biblical ways to overcome doubt that I have followed……
Overcoming Doubt: The Stealer of Answers to Prayer
Welcome back to our ongoing series on faith! As mentioned in my previous post, one of the biggest obstacles to receiving answers to our prayers is doubt. If you're interested in previous posts on building your faith, don't forget to check out earlier posts on:
What Faith Is
How to Grow Your Faith
Principles of Faith
Understanding Doubt
Let’s dive into our scripture reference from Mark 11:23:
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says."
To grasp how to combat doubt, we first need to understand what it really means. According to Oxford Languages, doubt is defined as a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. In my own words, doubt is when you question the authenticity of a belief, claim, or statement.
The Relationship Between Doubt and Lies
In John 10:10a, Jesus warns us:
"The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy."
Doubt, when permitted to take root, can destroy the very essence of God’s word in our lives. It whispers in our ears that we cannot rely on what God has promised because of past disappointments. Doubt often partners with lies—wherever doubt is found, lies are sure to follow. As stated in John 8:44, the devil speaks only lies, which opposes God’s truth.
For example, the Bible tells us that "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." this is the truth because it is the word of God. Yet, we might hear voices telling us the opposite, saying, "You are ugly." If we fail to challenge that lie with the truth, doubt takes hold and clouds our perception of reality. This is a battle we face daily in our walk of faith. I hope you followed that example.
Mastering Your Thoughts
Doubt manifests as a thought or image that elevates itself above the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians 10:5 instructs us to:
"Cast down every imagination, negative thought, argument, reasoning, or suggestion that lifts itself up against the knowledge of God, and take those thoughts captive."
Doubt will present several scenarios to you to simply cast shadows on the word of God. Like the story Jesus told in Matthew 13: 7, doubt acts like the thorns that choked the plants. Doubt chokes the word of God out of you and makes you lose your confession of faith.
To combat doubt, we must recognize the lies and respond to the lies with the truth—pushing back against the lies with God’s promises. When we do this, we make doubt obedient to Christ. Doubt will present several scenarios to you to simply cast shadows on the word of God.
One vital truth to remember is that God cannot lie—this is an absolute (Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2). I struggled with this in my life, often feeling let down by God, which opened the door for doubt. If you've experienced a broken relationship with God, I encourage you to seek healing through programs like the Freedom Session. This journey can help mend your trust in Him. I attended this session to help me navigate my broken relationship and heal my heart. This helped me to be able to trust God again. It is an emergency stop all and heal if you find yourself hurting from an unhealed pain, where you 'feel' let down by God and find yourself doubting God's word.
Practical Steps to Remove Doubt
Avoid Situations that Fuel Doubt: Steer clear of environments or people that lead you to question your faith or beliefs. This will cause doubt to arise.
Be Selective with Your Conversations: Don’t share your dreams or struggles with those who may unintentionally discourage you. Find supportive voices that uplift you!
Immerse Yourself in Worship: Surround yourself with worship music that resonates with your spirit. You don’t need to have a perfect singing voice—just let the songs fill your heart with confidence in God.
Hide His Word in Your Heart: Revisit and meditate on the scriptures that affirm God’s promises. Write them down and keep them accessible for moments of doubt.
Final Affirmation
Remember, if God said it, HE WILL DO IT. PERIOD! Stand firm in your faith, cast out doubt, and hold onto the promises of God, for His word will never fail.
Stay tuned for more insights as we continue to explore the principles of faith and how to strengthen your belief! Thank you for joining me on this journey.
Principles of Faith (Part 2)
Embracing Unshakeable Belief
Welcome back to our exploration of faith! If you missed Principles of Faith (Part 1), be sure to check it out for a foundational understanding. Today, we delve deeper into the heart of faith, focusing on the powerful assurance found in Mark 11:23.
The Mind's Battlefield: Conquering Doubts
One of the greatest challenges in the journey of faith is overcoming doubt. As I pondered over the words, "and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says shall come to pass," I realized how often our minds become a battleground. It’s here, in the depths of our thoughts, where faith is often tested and where believers often get tripped up.
In Joyce Meyer's insightful book, The Battlefield of the Mind, she shares how crucial it is to build mental resilience. So often, the victory of faith is decided in the mind, not so much what we see or hear—which we often can't control—but our minds we can build up over time to control what we hear and see.
Building Firm Belief
As explored previously, faith is the unwavering belief that God will uphold His promises. I like the Amplified version of Luke 17:19.....Your faith (Personal trust in Me and your confidence in God's power) has restored your health.
For instance, when we claim the promise of healing (when we say specifically I am healed; Jesus has made provisions for that already), doubts may arise, whispering that it's just a simple cold or sickness, suggesting easy remedies. It's in these moments of internal debate where true faith is forged. Remember, you have claimed God's promise. The head nags you a bit, and you think I should take an ibuprofen. Then you remember again that I have claimed the promise of healing. You go back and forth with that thought. The moment you give in to allow those suggestions to rule and get a grip in your heart, the battle of faith is often lost.
Consider Peter walking on water. His initial faith(belief) in Jesus' command, "Come," was overshadowed by doubt the moment he gave in to the thoughts of whether ‘Could this be real?’. ‘How can I walk on water?’ ‘Oh, this storm is boisterous!’ The lesson here is clear: doubt creeps in when we allow our circumstances to overshadow our belief. I wasn’t there with him, but he was human, just as I am human.
Strengthening Your Faith Muscles
Developing faith is like building physical strength, requiring consistent effort and patience. For some, this confidence in God's promises comes quickly, while others may need a more deliberate journey. I, too, have learned over time, acknowledging past experiences that sometimes cloud my belief. My journey has been a deliberate one.
The key is perseverance. Hebrews 10:23 reminds us to "hold fast to our confession of faith," underscoring God's unwavering faithfulness.
The challenge lies not in avoiding thoughts that question our faith but in maintaining a firm, resolute disposition that God is faithful to His word. This steadfastness, even in the face of doubt or adversity, is the path to the fulfillment of His promises.
Revisiting our text Mark 11:23, which speaks very much to the Principles of Fatih, we can conclude here that a believer who speaks/prays for a request and does not doubt in his heart (knowing how to control the mind with the weapons of our warfare), but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
Once you have prayed/asked in line with the word of God, you do not doubt in your heart but believe what you say will be done; it is a guarantee that you will have what you say. That is a promise from God, who does not lie!
What's Next?
In the upcoming posts, we’ll explore:
How to overcome doubt: This is a big stealer of answers to prayers.
How to Hold Fast to Your Confession: Discover practical strategies to maintain your faith against all odds.
Aligning Your Words and Confession: Learn the importance of harmonizing your spoken words with your faith.
As we continue this journey, let each step strengthen your spiritual resolve and deepen your connection with God's truth. Let’s move forward with hearts full of faith and minds focused on His promises. Stay tuned for more insights that will empower your walk with God.
Principles of Faith (Part 1)
Applying the Principles of Faith to Receive from God by Faith
Embarking on a spiritual journey demands faith as its cornerstone. I recently revisited the profound teachings of Kenneth Hagin, whose book transformed my understanding with the powerful revelation: "You can have what you say." This sparked an exploration into the principles of faith, intertwined with meditations from the Bible.
In this series, I will share insights the Holy Spirit has graciously revealed to me, building on Hagin's teaching and personal experiences. These principles are not just theoretical; they are lived truths supported by the unchanging nature of God's word, as affirmed in Hebrews 13:8.
Diving into Mark 11:23-24
Foundational to our understanding are the timeless truths in Mark 11:23-24:
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
Key Principles of Faith
Understand Your Circumstances: Before anything, discern the nature of your challenges. Knowing this guides you to the specific scripture relevant for that situation. God's direction in scripture is precise, similar to how He provided specific instructions in various Biblical narratives. I have seen from the scriptures that different circumstances call for different strategies. Various times during a time of trouble, war or healing, we can see through scriptures that God used a particular strategy. When Jesus was healing, He responded using various ways. The Holy Spirit is your ultimate help here, always ready to enlighten your path if you call upon Him.
Know Your Request: Clarity in your desires is crucial. Just as Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted (Mark 10:51), so must you articulate your needs specifically. This specificity not only helps in praying accurately but also in recognizing and testifying when prayers are answered. As Jesus asked the blind man, "......what do you want me to do for you?" Jesus could tell he was blind, but He still asked. So ask yourself, what exactly do you want?
Find the Scripture: Once you comprehend your need, immerse yourself in scripture. The Holy Spirit will guide you to passages that resonate with your situation. He knows the mind of God (1 Corinthians 2:11). The practice of searching and meditating on these scriptures strengthens the assurance that your prayer aligns with God's will. You may be in the process of learning how to know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. I am still in that school of learning too. I go dig on the internet sometimes, and yes, the Holy Spirit is not opposed to that. He is very happy to meet us at our level and bring us up higher. Don't feel less spiritual if you have to do that. It's ok! I have found many scriptures that way.
Follow Practical Steps: Often, the Holy Spirit nudges us toward practical actions that accompany our prayers. These faith-driven steps, if obeyed, bring about the desired outcomes. Trusting and yielding to God's guidance can be challenging but is essential for spiritual growth. I have often faced times when I didn't trust His voice. This has taken time to develop, and it is a journey. We often yield to those we trust. Some of us have broken relationships with God; sometimes, this is a big obstacle to yielding and obeying. (In another post, I will share hindrances to faith). I encourage you to find your way back home to Him as I did. It will be immensely beneficial for you both spiritually and physically.
Align with God's Word: Ensure that your requests are in harmony with biblical teachings. Even if a specific need, like a car, isn't directly mentioned in the Bible, scriptures affirming God's provision, such as Psalm 34:10, Philippians 4:19, Matthew 7:7, etc, provide the foundation for your faith in God's provision.
Pray with Scripture: Present your requests to God, using scripture as your dialogue Isaiah 1:18. Remind God of His promises, affirming your faith in verses like Numbers 23:19 and Hebrews 6:18. This spiritual reasoning reinforces your faith and aligns your spirit with God's will. Never a thought that God forgets His promises but that He wants us to ask Him Ezekiel 36:36-37 and James 4:2
As we journey together, these foundational truths prepare us for deeper exploration in Part 2. I invite you to let these principles enhance your faith and lead you to seek a deeper walk with God as you journey on.
Join me in Part 2 as we continue to unpack these divine truths, drawing closer to understanding the essence of unwavering faith.
How can I grow my Faith?
The Seed Analogy
Just as I want to grow a tree from a single seed, our journey in faith begins with a small yet powerful seed of the faith we received when we became a believer. (For more on this, please check out my post, "Do you have Faith? Part 2.")
The Bible clearly states in Romans 10:17:
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
Meditation on the Word
To grow this seed of faith, the key lies in meditating on the Word of God. It’s really that simple. Meditation is about taking the time to think carefully and deeply about Scripture.
I must admit that many times, after reading a scripture or the verse of the day, I would forget what I read within the hour. This led me to reflect on a natural process that some animals undergo. Cattle, deer, sheep, goats, and antelope chew their cud repeatedly to break down tough plant materials effectively. This process allows them to extract the most nutrients from their food, helping to ward off hunger.
Practical Steps to Meditate
This practical understanding inspired me to develop my meditation practice. Here’s how I do it:
Select Your Scriptures: I wrote down several scriptures I deeply wanted to understand that pertained to my circumstance.
Break It Down: I dissected each verse into smaller, manageable parts. I explored different versions of the Bible, using the dictionary for clarification where needed. It is amazing that ‘And’ or ‘If’ can make a difference in a verse or adjoining verses.
Process It: I put all the different parts together as I allow the Holy Spirit to teach me (John 14:26). He becomes my processor at this point. He sheds more light on it, sometimes taking me to another part of the word. At times, a word will drop in me and I search up on it.
Visual Reminders: I placed this scripture/s on my wall, ensuring that I saw and read through it at least five times a day. I remembered the notes and how I had broken the verse into pieces. It has become a part of me, and I no longer use a board now. I used it in my early stages of really grasping what it means to meditate. However, I still place sticky notes on my monitor or write on my notepad at work.
9 out of 10, it clicks! it registers! it makes spiritual sense. Note I said spiritual sense. When I meditate sometimes my physical mind cannot process/comprehend/rationalize what is in the word. The last 1 I reserve for when I get in the way of my understanding. Never the Holy Spirit’s fault.
This approach not only helped me grasp the meanings but also made meditation a significant part of my daily routine.
Signs of Successful Meditation
You’ll know you’ve successfully meditated on a verse when you experience a moment of revelation—a true “aha” moment when the verse clicks within your spirit. Trust me, you will know when. This may happen immediately or could take days of reflection.
Other Ways to Engage with Scripture
Alongside meditation, there are various ways to immerse yourself in God’s Word:
Read Spiritual Books: Engage with scriptural literature that deepens your understanding and walk with God.
Listen to Gospel Music: Scriptural music that uplifts your spirit can draw you closer to God’s truths.
Sermons and Teaching: Listening to preaching provides additional insight into the Scriptures.
The Bible: The Root Source
In my experience, returning to the root source—the Bible—is unmatched. It is pure, sincere, and undiluted. As Paul writes in 1 Peter 2:2:
"Desire the pure milk of the word, so that you may grow thereby."
A Good Ground for Growth
Returning to our seed analogy, Jesus shared a profound parable about the sower in Matthew 13:3-23. Here, the second step to growing our faith is planting that seed (meditated word) in good ground—essentially, a meek heart that is open and receptive to the Word of God. James 1:21 reinforces this idea, encouraging us to humbly receive the engrafted Word.
When the seed of faith falls on a receptive heart, it can grow into a tremendous tree. As we hear and meditate on the Word of God, our faith—just like that seed—can grow in leaps and bounds.
Growing your faith is a journey that requires intention and dedication. By meditating on God’s Word, engaging with Scripture through various mediums, and cultivating a receptive heart, you can nourish that seed of faith within you.
Call to Action:
🌟 What techniques have you used to grow your faith? Share your experiences in the comments below!
Do you have Faith?
It all begins with an idea.
Reflective Questions
Do I have faith?
Does a believer have faith?
Have you ever wished for more faith?
How do you know if you truly have faith?
Do I need to be a Pastor to possess faith?
Isn't mountain-moving faith reserved for a select few?
Allow me to demystify these questions with Scripture as our guide.
If you are a believer, meaning you are born again and have received Jesus into your life, you already possess a measure of faith. Your faith journey began the moment you believed in His existence, as explained in Hebrews 11:6: "And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists..."
Additionally, Ephesians 2:8 states: "For by grace you have been saved through faith..."
In Romans 12:3, we read: "For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith." This scripture did not mention that it was distributed to some people. Paul was addressing the Christians in Rome.
The NIV translation emphasizes that this measure of faith is distributed to each of you (i.e., believers).
Consider the moment when the disciples were astonished at Jesus' ability to wither the fig tree. Astonished, they asked how this was possible. His response?
"Have faith in God. For truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him." — Mark 11:22-24
Remember, the faith that brought you to God is the same type of faith that empowers you to speak to your mountains. It was the same faith in God you had when you became a believer; Jesus did not mention any other type of faith.
You Already Have Faith
You possess this measure of faith. You had faith enough to receive Jesus. You believed in Him, which led you to respond to His call.
You do not ask for what you already have. It would be misguided to do so, to put it bluntly.
Many believers, myself included, have let this faith lie dormant. I was trapped in the belief that I needed to be a Pastor or Minister to activate my faith.
If you think you need someone else—like a Pastor—to pray on your behalf for your prayers to be answered, dear friend, you may still be caught in this false narrative.
While it isn’t wrong to have your Pastor pray for you, it’s imperative to understand that you do not need a third party to access your faith.
Awakening Your Faith
You already have the faith within you. The real challenge lies in learning how to grow and apply that faith in your life’s circumstances. When the light of this revelation connects with your spirit, as it did with mine, you will experience a profound awakening—reviving that faith that has been waiting for you to recognize it.
Coming Up Next
In my next post, we will explore "How to Grow Your Faith."
Stay tuned!
Call to Action:
🌟 What has your experience with faith been like? Share your thoughts or questions in the comments below!
What is Faith?
Growing up, I believed that to have faith, I had to be a powerful man of God—an image that seemed almost saintly. I thought being holy, fasting for hours, and living without sin were prerequisites to truly holding faith.
But I’ve learned that faith is much more than that.
What Does Faith Mean?
Faith is being absolutely resolute that you have received God's promises before you see them. Imagine your dad telling you, "You’ll get a gift when I return from work." As a child, you believe without a shadow of a doubt that his promise will come true—why? Because your daddy said so. No matter what anyone else says, you hold onto that promise like a dog with a bone. But there's a catch: It’s a promise from someone you trust.
(In another post, I’ll share my experience on the intriguing topic of "Forgiving God." Don’t judge the title just yet!) 😊
The Human Condition
As humans, it's natural for us to believe only what we see with our physical eyes. For instance, if a friend says they have $1 million, I might ask to see some evidence—an alert, a receipt, anything! But faith flips that perspective on its head.
Understanding Faith
Faith means believing in something without needing to see it first. It’s a conviction based on a promise, knowing it is real—even if the evidence isn’t visible yet.
“Faith grasps the unrealities of hope and brings them into the realm of reality.” Faith calls forth things that are not as though they already exist. Like the child waiting for their gift—she truly believes it is hers because Daddy said so, and she knows that Daddy cannot lie.
What’s Next?
In upcoming posts, I will delve into several essential topics, including:
Do You Have Faith?
How to Grow Your Faith
Examples of Faith in Action
How to Receive by Faith
Hindrances to Faith from My Experience
These principles will teach you how to lay hold of God’s promises—lessons I learned from Scripture and my own life experiences.
Now, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1
Stay tuned for the next installment, where we will explore more about strengthening and understanding your faith journey!
Call to Action
🌟 Have thoughts or experiences regarding faith? Share your insights in the comments below!
My Testimony on Forgiveness
I spent so long feeling overwhelmed by guilt, anger, and a persistent sense of unforgiveness due to various life experiences. My mistakes felt insurmountable, leaving me trapped in a cycle of regret.
A Life-Changing Breakthrough
The biggest breakthrough in my emotional healing journey occurred when I participated in a program called the Freedom Session (check out their program here). For the first time, I was guided through the process of forgiveness based on scriptural teachings that truly resonated with my heart.
In the past, I had only been taught that struggling to forgive made me a terrible sinner, leading me to think, "I cannot be a Christian if I cannot forgive." This belief condemned me and made me feel unworthy before God.
The Power of Forgiveness
Much to my surprise, forgiveness became my turning point. The profound moment arrived when I realized that receiving God’s forgiveness was key to forgiving myself. This revelation opened my heart, allowing me to extend forgiveness to those who had caused me deep hurt.
I have never felt so free. The burden of unforgiveness lifted, and as I moved forward, I understood that this journey is a continuous process. Living in this real world, we encounter people daily, and conflicts will still arise. However, I now possess the tools to navigate this complex struggle that many believers face. As long as we are still living, this will be continuous in the journey of life. However, knowing that there is no guilt is freeing.
Note however, that forgiveness and reconciliation are two separate issues that we face. In this post, I am only focusing on forgiveness.
Transformation and Trust
These breakthroughs have profoundly transformed my relationship with God. The guilty voice that tormented me is gone, along with the unforgiveness that ravaged my soul. Previously, Satan used these feelings to block my spiritual growth.
The truth that penetrated my spirit, which I cling to like a dog holding a bone, is that Jesus has already paid my debt. The penalty I owed has been settled!
Now, nothing stands between me and God. I approach Him with confidence as His own child. I can cast aside negative thoughts and declare to Satan: "It’s all been paid for; I bear it no more!"
The Joy of Freedom
The exhilaration of experiencing light flooding into the darkness is indescribable! This understanding also plays a crucial role in prayers being answered, as mentioned in Mark 11:24-25:
"Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."
The inclusion of "and" in this verse demonstrates the interconnectedness of faith and forgiveness.
A Commitment to Share
I promised God I would share my journey with the world, so others can experience the same freedom I have found. I will leave you with what Jesus said regarding His assignment in Luke 4:18:"He sent me to heal the brokenhearted…”
He didn’t only come for salvation, He also wants to heal your broken heart too—if you will just let Him.
Recommended Listening
🎵 Listen to “Here is My Heart” – a beautiful reminder of surrender and healing.
Call to Action:
🌟 Have you experienced a similar journey of forgiveness? Share your thoughts in the comments below or reach out—I’d love to hear from you!