My Testimony on Forgiveness
I spent so long feeling overwhelmed by guilt, anger, and a persistent sense of unforgiveness due to various life experiences. My mistakes felt insurmountable, leaving me trapped in a cycle of regret.
A Life-Changing Breakthrough
The biggest breakthrough in my emotional healing journey occurred when I participated in a program called the Freedom Session (check out their program here). For the first time, I was guided through the process of forgiveness based on scriptural teachings that truly resonated with my heart.
In the past, I had only been taught that struggling to forgive made me a terrible sinner, leading me to think, "I cannot be a Christian if I cannot forgive." This belief condemned me and made me feel unworthy before God.
The Power of Forgiveness
Much to my surprise, forgiveness became my turning point. The profound moment arrived when I realized that receiving God’s forgiveness was key to forgiving myself. This revelation opened my heart, allowing me to extend forgiveness to those who had caused me deep hurt.
I have never felt so free. The burden of unforgiveness lifted, and as I moved forward, I understood that this journey is a continuous process. Living in this real world, we encounter people daily, and conflicts will still arise. However, I now possess the tools to navigate this complex struggle that many believers face. As long as we are still living, this will be continuous in the journey of life. However, knowing that there is no guilt is freeing.
Note however, that forgiveness and reconciliation are two separate issues that we face. In this post, I am only focusing on forgiveness.
Transformation and Trust
These breakthroughs have profoundly transformed my relationship with God. The guilty voice that tormented me is gone, along with the unforgiveness that ravaged my soul. Previously, Satan used these feelings to block my spiritual growth.
The truth that penetrated my spirit, which I cling to like a dog holding a bone, is that Jesus has already paid my debt. The penalty I owed has been settled!
Now, nothing stands between me and God. I approach Him with confidence as His own child. I can cast aside negative thoughts and declare to Satan: "It’s all been paid for; I bear it no more!"
The Joy of Freedom
The exhilaration of experiencing light flooding into the darkness is indescribable! This understanding also plays a crucial role in prayers being answered, as mentioned in Mark 11:24-25:
"Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."
The inclusion of "and" in this verse demonstrates the interconnectedness of faith and forgiveness.
A Commitment to Share
I promised God I would share my journey with the world, so others can experience the same freedom I have found. I will leave you with what Jesus said regarding His assignment in Luke 4:18:"He sent me to heal the brokenhearted…”
He didn’t only come for salvation, He also wants to heal your broken heart too—if you will just let Him.
Recommended Listening
🎵 Listen to “Here is My Heart” – a beautiful reminder of surrender and healing.
Call to Action:
🌟 Have you experienced a similar journey of forgiveness? Share your thoughts in the comments below or reach out—I’d love to hear from you!