How to overcome Doubt

Practical biblical ways to overcome doubt that I have followed……

Overcoming Doubt: The Stealer of Answers to Prayer

Welcome back to our ongoing series on faith! As mentioned in my previous post, one of the biggest obstacles to receiving answers to our prayers is doubt. If you're interested in previous posts on building your faith, don't forget to check out earlier posts on:

  • What Faith Is

  • How to Grow Your Faith

  • Principles of Faith

Understanding Doubt

Let’s dive into our scripture reference from Mark 11:23:

"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says."

To grasp how to combat doubt, we first need to understand what it really means. According to Oxford Languages, doubt is defined as a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. In my own words, doubt is when you question the authenticity of a belief, claim, or statement.

The Relationship Between Doubt and Lies

In John 10:10a, Jesus warns us:

"The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy."

Doubt, when permitted to take root, can destroy the very essence of God’s word in our lives. It whispers in our ears that we cannot rely on what God has promised because of past disappointments. Doubt often partners with lies—wherever doubt is found, lies are sure to follow. As stated in John 8:44, the devil speaks only lies, which opposes God’s truth.

For example, the Bible tells us that "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." this is the truth because it is the word of God. Yet, we might hear voices telling us the opposite, saying, "You are ugly." If we fail to challenge that lie with the truth, doubt takes hold and clouds our perception of reality. This is a battle we face daily in our walk of faith. I hope you followed that example.

Mastering Your Thoughts

Doubt manifests as a thought or image that elevates itself above the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians 10:5 instructs us to:

"Cast down every imagination, negative thought, argument, reasoning, or suggestion that lifts itself up against the knowledge of God, and take those thoughts captive."

Doubt will present several scenarios to you to simply cast shadows on the word of God. Like the story Jesus told in Matthew 13: 7, doubt acts like the thorns that choked the plants. Doubt chokes the word of God out of you and makes you lose your confession of faith.

To combat doubt, we must recognize the lies and respond to the lies with the truth—pushing back against the lies with God’s promises. When we do this, we make doubt obedient to Christ. Doubt will present several scenarios to you to simply cast shadows on the word of God.

One vital truth to remember is that God cannot lie—this is an absolute (Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2). I struggled with this in my life, often feeling let down by God, which opened the door for doubt. If you've experienced a broken relationship with God, I encourage you to seek healing through programs like the Freedom Session. This journey can help mend your trust in Him. I attended this session to help me navigate my broken relationship and heal my heart. This helped me to be able to trust God again. It is an emergency stop all and heal if you find yourself hurting from an unhealed pain, where you 'feel' let down by God and find yourself doubting God's word. 

Practical Steps to Remove Doubt

  1. Avoid Situations that Fuel Doubt: Steer clear of environments or people that lead you to question your faith or beliefs. This will cause doubt to arise.

  2. Be Selective with Your Conversations: Don’t share your dreams or struggles with those who may unintentionally discourage you. Find supportive voices that uplift you!

  3. Immerse Yourself in Worship: Surround yourself with worship music that resonates with your spirit. You don’t need to have a perfect singing voice—just let the songs fill your heart with confidence in God.

  4. Hide His Word in Your Heart: Revisit and meditate on the scriptures that affirm God’s promises. Write them down and keep them accessible for moments of doubt.

Final Affirmation

Remember, if God said it, HE WILL DO IT. PERIOD! Stand firm in your faith, cast out doubt, and hold onto the promises of God, for His word will never fail.

Stay tuned for more insights as we continue to explore the principles of faith and how to strengthen your belief! Thank you for joining me on this journey.


Hold Fast - Unwavering Belief


Principles of Faith (Part 2)