Faith in Action(1): Lessons from Abraham

Text - Genesis 12-17

Discover principles of faith through examples that simplify how you can apply biblical teachings to receive answers to your prayers.

The Story of Abraham: More than a Cliché

This is not how Abraham's journey is often told, but let's delve deeper into how his story can transform our understanding of faith. It did upend my theology a little bit. As I mentioned in my introduction page, there are a number of faith principles in the bible I have unlearned and relearned. This is one of the many principles.

1. Promise Decreed

At age 75, God promised Abram, "I will make you a great nation." Fast forward to age 99, God revisited him and changed his name to Abraham. God did something there! This wasn't just a name change; it was a strategic shift. It was a shift that Abraham needed. Let me explain how.

2. Abraham's Doubt

Imagine Abraham's reaction—he fell to the floor laughing, skeptically questioning, “God, how can this be? Don’t you know my circumstances?” At this point, Abraham was still caught in doubt, seeing only the “deadness” of his situation. That was simply why he laughed and Sarah his wife joined in on it too.

3. Significance of the Name Change

Once his name became Abraham, meaning “Father of many nations,” everything changed. He began calling himself by the promise. Everyone who called him, were prophesying over him confirming he was the “Father of many nations”. By speaking and believing the promise, he brought it into existence. Within three months, Sarah conceived as God had declared. Within the year as God had declared, it came to pass, Isaac, the promise was born.

4. Faith Activated

Let’s trace the timeline. A promise was made over 20 years earlier, but it remained dormant until Abraham activated his faith. His daily declarations, embodying the promise, turned faith into reality.

5. Lessons for Today

What promise have you found in the Bible that speaks to your situation? Here’s your guide to activating faith:

  • Find God’s Promise: Discover a scripture that speaks to your need.

  • Appropriate and Believe: Anchor the promise in your heart.

  • Walk and Speak It: Declare and live as though it's already manifest, despite contradictions.

The word will manifest in the process of time when deeply rooted in your heart and mind. 🌱

Call to Action

📖 What promise are you holding onto today? How do you want to appropriate it?


Your Words = Your Results